Background and research activities
Increasing energy efficiency is key to solve future energy problems and prevent/reduce climate change. Energy efficiency has to be achieved in all branches from production over coversion, transport and the actual usage of energy.
The research initiative "efficient energy usage" contributes to these goals through interdisciplinary, as well as application oriented research in the field of industrial energy efficiency. GREES contributes by developing energy efficient technologies, resource efficient techniques and manufacturing processes and optimized concepts for energy usage. All in all GREES offers new possibilities to increase energy efficiency and energy productivity.
GREES financing
The graduate school GREES was funded 2010 by a donation of EnBW AG. This donation enabled the Institute for Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use (IER) to create the graduate school "GREES" as well as the new chair for energy efficiency.
Baden-Württemberg guarantees financing the chair. With the donation by EnBW, GREES could offer 20 scholarships to the respective candidates.
To secure the continued existence of GREES, new funds are required to be able to offer new scholarships. We are thus looking for companies and foundations that are willing to finance individual scholarships
In 2017, the Schaufler Foundation sponsored a new scholarship. Our goal is to acquire new funds for two scholarships each year, resulting in 10 to 12 parallel scholars.
How can you benefit?
The financial support of GREES enables you to:
- Discuss new topics for new scholarships in our research focus
- Participation at our annual event (Statusseminar), where all current research projects are presented: You will get acess to all research projects, not only the one you support directly
- Direct and intense insight to research in industrial energy efficiency
- Exchange with scholars as well as the respective institutes of the University of Stuttgart
- Network for creative ideas and innovations
- Professional exchange and cooperations
You think about financing a future scholarship, or want additional information to this tpoic?
Please contact us, together we can clarify all issues and open questions. (Contact)

Charalampos Alexopoulos
M.Sc.Geschäftsführer GREES

Peter Radgen
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Head of Graduate School